Homeschools Programs

What We Offer

Homeschool Art

  • One Friday each month we will meet for a Homeschool Art project! Open to ages 5 and up!

    $5 per child or $15 per family

    January 10th 10-11:30am

    February 14th- Valentine's Party 10-11:30am

    March 14th- 10-11:30am

Homeschool Open Group

  • A great time for homeschooled kiddos and their families to hang out, socialize, and have a ton of fun. We will do something different each month. In the past we have had Lego building, board games, gymnasium time, gymnastics room tumbling, and art.

    Free for members!!

    Non-members $3 per child or $10 per family.

    January 24th- Legos and Board Games 10-11:30am

     February 28th- Swim 10-11am

     March 28th - activity to be announced 10-11:30am

    These events are meant as a time for the entire family to socialize. This is not an event for children to be dropped off!


Family Programs